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6 Signs Your Government is a Totalitarian State

Writer's picture: Richard RevelstokeRichard Revelstoke

I don't know if we are heading over the abyss yet but here's something to think about: According to political scientists, the 6 signs of an emerging totalitarian regime are:

1. Elaborate guiding ideology. 2. Single mass party, typically led by a dictator. 3. System of terror, using such instruments as violence and secret police. 4. Monopoly on weapons. 5. Monopoly on the means of communication. 6. Central direction and control of the economy through state planning.

Interesting to note that it was fascist theorists who coined the term "totalitarian." Mussolini is quoted as saying "Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state." Whether the state is Marxist, Fascist or Catholic doesn't really matter - any system can become totalitarian, even democracy.

Usually a personality cult emerges that idolizes a charismatic leader who tells the brainwashed peeps what they want to hear. It takes one hell of a manipulator to convince the population that the rape of the economy is for the good of everyone and like Orwell's 1984, the cult leader turns truth into fiction and very soon "freedom is slavery" and "ignorance is strength."

Most Americans can't fathom that their beloved nation could morph into something as demonic as Nazi Germany but here we are with 16 intelligence agencies, mass surveillance on an unprecedented level, the complete control of the media, a military economy and the three-headed boogeyman of Islam, Russia and China to stir up fear and loathing in the hearts of the people.

Every four years, the enslaved get to vote in their next lovable dictator which gives them the illusion their votes matter and the flip-flop of right to left gives them some hope for "change we can believe in." Meanwhile, the US military has built up 800+ bases in Eurasia for future invasions. Totalitarian democracy gives everyone the illusion that they are free.

Almost all political cult leaders claim or are bestowed with divinity. North Korea's family of dictators have long been given god-like status. Hitler made vague claims to "divine providence" to justify his actions. The previous and current US presidents are no less cult leaders.

"Obama continued to dazzle the literati even as he stepped up deportations of illegal immigrants and drone attacks, ruthlessly pursued whistle-blowers, and inaugurated the extrajudicial executions of American citizens. He exhorted African Americans to assume personal responsibility for their plight while absolving bankers of all responsibility for ruining the lives of millions of people. Yet, as with Trump and his loyal and captive audience today, support for Obama remained steadfast among African Americans and white liberals."

Totalitarian Democracy seems a contradiction in terms and yet here it is unfolding as we speak. The worst part is that this regime is voluntarily embraced and not forced upon the people. The inmates love their prison cells it seems....

Police fire pepper spray on protestors during a demonstration after the inauguration of President Donald Trump, Jan. 20, 2017, in Washington.



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