I’d like to take a stab at a definition of spirit. Many religious and spiritual people are often pretty vague when asked “what is spirit?” They answer with some vague response such as “spirit is love” or “God is a spirit.” Religious people are often prone to giving pat answers and platitudes that don’t really satisfy the sincere seeker.
The dictionary definition of spirit is “the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul.”
Maybe the clue is the “nonphysical” aspect. All material life is composed of atoms and molecules that exhibit motion and are responsive to gravity. Okay so Spirit is not composed of atoms and molecules and does not exhibit motion in the atomic level. Spirit is not composed of electrons spinning round a nucleus then.
Spirit does not respond to physical gravity. A seraphim traveling at the speed of light is therefore not impeded by the pull of planets or suns nor does the friction of atomic matter have much effect on it. Spirit defies Newtonian physics in some ways.
Spirit is then that substance that is not bound by the space time continuum. Spirit will not be crushed by gravity as it crosses the event horizon of a black hole. Spirit may be the “substance of things hoped for” but spirit is more than a faith projection of the longings of mortal man and woman.
If we say spirit is infinite (non-finite) and eternal (non-spacetime) then we have to confess our science is inadequate to measure it or contain it or ignore it. We are freed from time by the spirit that intercedes on our behalf to lead us heavenward on an epic journey beyond this mortal coil.
Onward and upward brothers and sisters 🌎❤️🦋🍷🍇
