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The 7 Stages of Civilization

Writer: Richard RevelstokeRichard Revelstoke

First of all I have to give out a big disclaimer. I’m not an anthropologist or professor of social history. This is really my own view of the progress of civilization and speculation of future stages. So you can take it with a grain of salt. 🧂🙂 If it were possible to fly to other worlds and compare other civilizations to ours we might then have some standard to gauge of how societies naturally progress. Failing that, here goes nothing:

1. Primitive era — this is the evolutionary beginning of humankind. Man is primarily preoccupied with food. He lives in a state of complete ignorance and he is afraid of everything.

2. Tribal era — once primitive man has got a handle on providing himself with adequate food he immediately forms clans and he is principally preoccupied with war. We witness tribal society in African tribes who are in continual battle with each other. Every tribe speaks a different language and they all live in fear and hatred of “foreigners.”

3. Agriculture era — when Hunter/gatherer man settles down to agriculture it is the beginning of civilization. All human institutions are derived from private property. And suddenly man has leisure time and begins to pursue comforts… The negative side is this is an era of drunkenness, political tyranny, slavery and intolerance.

4. Education era — humankind has solved most of its material problems and begins to pursue knowledge, wisdom and culture. During this era war becomes less and less or disappears altogether as human beings begin to be less focused on personal gain.

5. Ethical era — The beginnings of a global community or brotherhood has taken root and human beings become more concerned with philosophy and pursuing higher values. Peaceful relations between nations are beginning to be established.

6. Spiritual era — Philosophy begins to hit its peak and human beings become far more God-conscious and begin the active pursuit of service and spiritual attainment. The golden age of man is truly dawning in this time period.

7. Utopia — The entire global population is completely preoccupied with spiritual pursuits. War is a distant memory of the past and all material problems are conquered. Technology is superb and complete and human beings return to a far more simple life.

*** it seems to me our world is right now stuck between era 3 and 4 and some people are still in era number 2. Any one individual can proceed all the way to level 7 in their lifetime though I have never met anyone living in a state of personal utopia. There is so much inequality today, especially in terms of wealth where 80% of the world’s population are dirt poor. In a utopian age most people would have a fairly high level of wealth but no super billionaires like today and very few super poor.



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