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Newtonian Physics

Writer: Richard RevelstokeRichard Revelstoke

I have to say I’ve always been fond of Newtonian physics. It makes so much sense to me and Newton’s Laws of Motion are applicable to so many other areas of life besides physics. (plus I never really liked physics— too many formulas to memorize 🤮)

1. Every object in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it.

2. Force equals mass times acceleration

3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

These are the laws of casualty that Jesus referred to when he said “as you sow so shall you reap.” Every cause has an effect. It’s the absolute law of the universe and you can’t escape it. Everything you do has a consequence and in moral life the consequences can be good or bad or a mixed bag of both (depending on what seeds you planted.)

People travel in a straight line in their lives because they make decisions that point them in a direction. They continue on in this direction no matter what the consequences until the external force acting upon their decisions prevents them from continuing.

All of your decisions in life have pushback and sometimes blowback. Even if those decisions are noble and beneficial to humanity. Joshua ben Jospeh’s decision to promote his message of brotherly love and devotion to the Father brought him into sharp conflict with the religious leaders which resulted in his being tortured to death — an equal and opposite reaction.

The amount of force needed to stop a social movement is directly proportional to the size of the movement and how fast it is traveling in its direction. For example it took an enormous amount of power for Gandhi to overthrow the British Empire directly proportional to the amount of political and social power that the British Empire had used to subjugate the Indian people.

Nations, societies, social groups and institutions exhibit inertia and momentum. Once a social group has surpassed the initial inertia required to push it past the friction of resistance from society it begins to pick up momentum and it becomes much more difficult to prevent its progress.

Western civilization has enormous momentum equal to its mass and speed of forward propulsion. It will take an equally massive effort to steer it in a more positive spiritual direction. Materialism can only be conquered by a greater force such as the real religion of Joshua ben Joseph aka Jesus of Nazareth. It’s an enormous challenge — are you up for the challenge?

(Luckily physics is on our side — the great Physicist invented the laws of the universe for our benefit. 😃🏈 Go Team!)



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