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The Great Disappointment

Writer: Richard RevelstokeRichard Revelstoke

Sooner or later, the three Abrahamic religions will be confronted with the failure of their end times prophecies. All three religions claim the messiah will return in conjunction with the temple of Jerusalem and install their religion and members as the rulers of the world.

The idea that God plays favorites with certain races or groups of people is older than Abraham himself. Similarly the belief that God favors certain real estate as holy or more holy than other real estate is older than Methuselah. Plots of land aren't sacred or holy.

Joshua ben Joseph taught that God is no respecter of persons. There is no Jew or Gentile in the kingdom of heaven. That means there is no Christian or Muslim or Jew in the kingdom of heaven. We are all brothers and sisters regardless of race, nationality, religion, sex, age or geographical location.

God loves and blesses all nations equally.

The truth is that most endtimes prophecies have already been fulfilled such as Joshua's prediction that the temple of Jerusalem would be destroyed -- which occured in 70 A.D.

Josephus the historian commented on the fall of Jerusalem, "This was the end which Jerusalem came to by the madness of those that were for innovations; a city otherwise of great magnificence, and of mighty fame among all mankind."

Josephus claims that 1.1 million people were killed during the siege, of which a majority were Jewish. Josephus attributes this to the celebration of Passover which he uses as rationale for the vast number of people present among the death toll. Armed rebels, as well as the frail citizens, were put to death. All of Jerusalem's remaining citizens became Roman prisoners. After the Romans killed the armed and elder people, 97,000 were still enslaved, including Simon bar Giora and John of Giscala. Simon bar Giora was executed, and John of Giscala was sentenced to life imprisonment. Of the 97,000, thousands were forced to become gladiators and eventually expired in the arena. [~ from wikipedia]

Similarly, Joshua said many false messiahs would come -- and they in fact after did come and deceive many who followed them to their deaths.The last of these false messiahs was Simon bar Kokhba who brought about the final downfall and dispersion of the Jews due to his rebellion against Rome in 135 A.D.

He was named "Bar Kokhba" meaning "Son of the Star" in Aramaic, from the Star Prophecy verse from Numbers 24:17 but he was later renamed "Bar Koseva" meaning "Son of Disappointment," a haunting yet fitting epitaph if there ever was one.

More disappointment is yet to come for Islam as well who believe Masih ad-Dajjal (false messiah) will come and then Isa (Jesus) will defeat him in a great battle. This war will mark the approach of the coming of the Last Day. After Isa slays al-Dajjāl at the Gate of Lud, he will bear witness and reveal that Islam is indeed the true and last word from God to humanity as Yusuf Ali's translation reads: "And there is none of the People of the Book but must believe in him before his death; and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them."

Meanwhile in Paradise, another war is being fought for the hearts and souls of mankind. A real war with peace as the end game. No blood will be shed in this conquest of souls, only tears of sorrow for the lost ones and tears of joy for those who turn away from their old life and follow after Joshua son of Joseph, the Prince of Peace. Those who live by the sword will die by the sword for their god is the God of War.

The truth is that the meek will inherit the Earth. Peace. ✌️💐🇺🇳👍❤️



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