We are all familiar with the expression, "you can't see the forest for the trees." Perspective is everything. Often it is very difficult to see our situation clearly because we are standing too close to it. We need an outside observer to lend us objectivity. There is a proverb that says, "With a multitude of counselors there is safety."
The funny thing about blind people is that they think they are the ones who can see and it is YOU who is the blind one. It is no wonder Joshua ben Joseph once ironically said, "When the blind lead the blind, both will fall in the ditch." It was one of his stated mission goals to "give sight to the blind." Now literally he did heal physically blind people but he also tried, often in vain, to open up the eyes of the spiritually blind.
Joshua spoke out denouncing the blind men who were the leaders of occupied Israel. They in return tortured him to death and probably congratulated each other afterwards with a wine and cheese party. (Okay maybe not the cheese.) The problem with materialism is that it produces sociopathic leaders as well as a subservient and pliable population.
An entire nation can become blind. Our current "braille news media" spews out nonsense for the the feeble fingers of the people to sift over. The elites take great pains to initiate and manage the public debate to ensure the real agenda is hidden behind a maze of opinion and controversy.
Speaking of debates, I recently had a debate with a FB friend over the Oscar Wilde novel "The Portrait of Dorian Gray." She insisted it was entitled "The Picture of Dorian Gray." I googled the novel which defaulted to "Picture." This was very confusing and was I losing my mind?! She sent me a link:
So I called up the local book dealer and asked him if he had the novel on the shelf. While I had him on the phone, I asked him to read out the title which he obligingly stated was: "The Portrait of Dorian Gray." Some people call it the Mandela Effect but we know that the Ministry of Truth is in high gear...
The modern prophet and seer, George Orwell once said in his dystopian novel 1984, 'Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’ Orwell could clearly see where the world was heading but even he never imagined how clever Big Brother could be...
A nation descends into spiritual blindness when its citizens gradually lose touch with the guiding and all-seeing wisdom of the divine spark. The nation becomes isolated, protectionist and withdraws from treaties, trade deals, international agreements--it severs its connections with the international community as it spirals into the totalitarian abyss. The blind cheerleaders rally behind the sociopathic monster(s) as they lead the nation into the ditch.
The cure for materialism is the real relationship with the father of all creation who has the best interest of the children at heart. And he can see both the trees and the forest, as well as the birds in the trees and the sunlight pouring over the leaves. We're not orphans in an indifferent universe -- we have a wise parent to help guide us through the complexities of our modern technological age.
Peace on Earth and goodwill to all is the banner we wave. 🙏🌎💐
