I am aware that many Christians reading this won’t even like the title of my post. Hopefully if you have an open mind and are willing to face the truth about the world’s largest religion you will hear me out.
Christianity has been an enormous force for good in the world over the last 2000 years. No other religion on earth has pioneered the vast range of social programs that Christianity has organized. Anyone who has been part of a local church knows how much stability a small church can provide to a Community.
The values introduced and promoted by Pauline Christianity have changed the world and helped to bring about the vast improvements in science and technology in western civilization. Paul’s Jewish cult was a big step up from the paganism and polytheism of the Romans, Greeks and the rest of the world.
Conversely, Christianity has held back women’s rights for 2000 years and helped subjugate women in the church and in Western society to second-class status. Despite Jesus’ spiritual claim that men and women were equal in the kingdom of heaven, the church failed to honor these values of equality...and many denominations still restrain women.
Several passages in the New Testament letters have produced a celibate priest class that has spent decades in legal battles over charges of sexual abuse against children.
Christianity has had a long history of intolerance despite the tolerance of its so-called leader - Jesus of Nazareth. Christianity has in fact often promoted and endorsed programs, policies and values that are completely against the teachings of Jesus.
Western Christianity especially American Christians’ involvement in politics has created a conflict of interest that has served to alienate many sincere seekers from other parts of the world.
40,000 denominations in Christianity currently make it the world’s most divided religion by a long shot. What is desperately needed in Christianity today is a new reformation, a return to the original teachings of Joshua ben Joseph. Only the life and teachings of the carpenter will serve to reunite sect-divided Christianity.
Doctrines divide… It is the spirit that unites. As followers of Joshua ben Joseph we are not required to all think alike. It is not uniformity in doctrine that is required… It is unity in spirit. We are united because we share the same father, we share the same eternal destiny and we share the same spiritual goal of seeing the whole world become aware of our eternal father and our eternal destiny.
Christianity took a hard right turn 2000 years ago and steered itself away from the narrow path it so valiantly extols. The way and the life and the truth is a path of service to others in pursuit of the will of the Father of the whole wide world 🌎❤️ ...Our banner is peace on earth and goodwill to all.
