I don't know about you but I have found on Facebook and elsewhere that sometimes people make some comments and I have not a clue what they are saying. It's usually about religion/spirituality and though the comments are often written in English it sounds like a foreign language to me. Sometimes people say things and I get the meaning completely backwards to what they are trying to say! This causes a lot of confusion...
There is such a vast body of new religious and spiritual knowledge out there nowadays. The New Age movement has influenced millions. Much of the New Age seems to me to be recycling of the Old Age of pagan, mystery cults, Kabbalah, esoteric writings, Druids, mixed in with modern self-help psychology. Much of it also seems to me to be a reaction to fundamentalist Christianity.
If you're not a monotheist, then the choices are atheism, polytheism or pantheism...either believe in nothing, believe in many gods or believe in everything. I've met very few polytheists and it is probably safe to say that polytheism is dead in Western society. Atheism is on the rise and monotheism is going downhill, especially the brick-and-mortar brand of hell-based theology.
The word that might best describe religion and spirituality on a global scale is "confusion." Science and technology have taken a giant leap forward but much of our religion and religionists are still trying to dig up the bones of truth from the ancient religious graveyards of truth. Does that mean that there is no value in ancient religions or philosophy? Heck, no...Aristotle, Plato, Philo and Socrates are still relevant after 2500 years. The Bible is the number one-selling book of all time.
However what is needed is a unifying faith; an ideal and value that appeals and bonds together all the religious, spiritual, philosophical and even scientific people of our confused world. Joshua ben Joseph's religion was so radical for his time that his enemies assassinated him for teaching we are all brothers and sisters part of a great global family.

God is our Father and we are all brothers and sisters is an idea whose time has come. It is an idea that tears down all political walls because there is no Democrat or Republican in the family of God, there is no male or female, no American or Russian...we are all members of this family and everything we do affects the family for good or bad. The world needs some unity and what better way to unite us than to join hands as brothers in a great family. Peace on Earth, Good will to All.