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Writer: Richard RevelstokeRichard Revelstoke

Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't hear the daily national divide on the news? In a perfect world politicians would have a good long meeting, come to a consensus and then go for lunch. Decisions would be made quickly without months of debate and public outrage. Of course, we don't live in a perfect world so we have to make the best with what we have been given.

When people disagree on an issue, they usually resort to name-calling and insult when they can't get their own way or when they so fiercely are opposed to something. The measure of our maturity is based on how we respond to disagreement.

War happens when negotiations between nations break down and anger and revenge take root in the leaders and citizens until they default to the tribal position of violence to achieve their national goals. War is the crucifixion of the ideal, the betrayal of the highest values a nation proclaims.

The irony of the Prince of Peace making a statement like, "I did not come to bring peace but to send a sword" is confusing. Did he mean he wants violence?? Most of us who are fans of the carpenter from Nazareth are quick to point out he was talking about what MAY happen when you are promoting peace and people want war. Your family and friends might reject you.

Wouldn't it be nice if we were all in agreement and we shared the warmth of unity every day with everyone? Maybe that's a utopian vision of the future but here’s something: The word "division" means literally "two visions" - when people have different visions of how the world should be and how we ought to go about making the world in the image of our vision, then we become divided.

How do we get everyone seeing the same vision? The Prince of Peace shared his vision of a world living in peace as a result of the realization of our common brotherhood and the recognition of our Father as the natural head of a great global family. Practicing the simplest rule of doing unto others as we would have them do unto us would revolutionize our entire planet overnight.

Preaching is one thing but practicing it is another, especially when we are involved in conflict and division with our brothers and sisters. Jesus' enemies accused him of dividing the nation even though he was preaching "Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All." Some people have such a warped vision of the future they trash our best citizens and marginalize those who are working the hardest to make the world a better place.

The consolation prize is that nothing we do is ever in vain. There is always a greater gain even if there is a lesser version of the vision. Two steps forward often means one step back but let's keeping moving forward step by step. Progress is the watchword of the universe.



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