People don’t really like to talk about death — it’s so final after all and probably not the best conversation starter at a party. We’re all so preoccupied with this life — the cares and worries of job, career, family, paying bills and trying to survive. Who has time to think about the end of existence?
At least it’s the end of this existence for those of us convinced of the reality of another and better world ahead. An atheist might tell you there’s no proof of an afterlife. I haven’t heard of any scientists coming back from the dead to write a peer-reviewed article in a scientific journal so yes they’re right there is no scientific proof of eternal life.
Is an afterlife just wishful thinking for deluded religious people? Are they just collecting brownie points here on Earth so they can collect rewards in heaven and escape the fires of hell or some other mythological fate for sinners, liberals, Muslims and other assorted wrong-thinkers?
I wonder if the next life is a vastly different experience than prophets and priests have imagined — maybe instead of a holy vacation spot for those with correct theology, the next life is actually a vast training and schooling center for further acts of service. Joshua ben Joseph once remarked, “the first shall be last and the last shall be first.”
It’s cryptic comments like that coming from an expert on eternity that makes me think heaven is a place where we continue with our best actions and values when we leave this bitter place. Hopefully we leave the bitterness behind as well. Joshua also said, “Store up in heaven treasures that cannot rust or decay.”
Perhaps these “treasures” are not material wealth but rather things that last forever. The only things that last forever are the positive impact and influence we have on others. People never forget when you help them without ulterior motive. The reason Joshua is such a celebrated personality is that he was the king of do-gooders. He overturned the prevailing religious order and established an entirely new and better way of life.
He symbolically overturned the tables and the truth is that what is needed in our society are table-turners who are unafraid of either life or death. This world is only the shadow of the next — this world is fleeting and ever-changing but eternity is the real world that awaits us.
Thy kingdom come thy will be done, On Earth as it is in Heaven. 🍷🦋🌹
