“Ah, love, let us be true To one another! for the world, which seems To lie before us like a land of dreams, So various, so beautiful, so new, Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; And we are here as on a darkling plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Where ignorant armies clash by night.”
Mathew Arnold’s bleak and haunting poem could be called “Ode to Materialism” or “How I learned to love emptiness...” The picture he paints of an indifferent universe is a philosophy shared by many in our technological age. Materialism says we are orphans in a universe of energy and matter that accidentally self-created itself out of nothing for no reason.
However those of us who make “extraordinary claims” say the universe is friendly, the eternal Father is real and benevolent; in fact the entirety of creation that we observe through telescopes is primarily occupied with the ascension scheme of progressively uplifting humans from the level of animal to angel. We will become as they are...
Materialism says we don’t need God but the 200 million deaths due to war in the last century speaks differently. We definitely need something before we plunge into another century of world wars — and there is no reason to believe we won’t when ruthless men continue to pursue the “great game” of global conquest at the expense of all life as we know it.
The three most powerful nations on Earth are currently headed by authoritarian dictators who show no regard for the rights of others: Xi Jinping has removed term limits and set himself up for life, consolidating power and launching extensive attacks on Christianity and dissident journalists. Putin has also shown no signs of retiring after 4 terms. His assault on silencing the press is well documented.
Meanwhile in America the current tyrant de jour has hinted at removing term limits and 13,000 children are locked up in detention centers. One thing ruthless men have in common is the utter disregard for those protesting their draconian actions.
If the world needs salvation then it needs to be saved from the tyranny of totalitarian regimes. Only another and better philosophy of life can provide the panacea to soothe the wounded and oppressed and conquer the empire of greed with the love of our fellow men and women. What is needed is a great revival of the real relationship of the Father in heaven with his sons and daughters.
Joshua ben Joseph came proclaiming this new truth and the tyrants of his day tortured him to death. Can we expect any better treatment at the hands of our modern tyrants for speaking out against the empire of oil and banks? Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All...even to the ruthless men. ✌️🌎
