Have you ever had one (or maybe more) friends who were like that…? They disrupt your life and disturb your peace… Call you at all hours of the day and night? Then they ask you all kinds of advice for their chaotic life which they promptly ignore and continue on with the same pattern…
I once had a friend who seemed to be on a mission to screw up everything we worked on together… Then he would profusely apologize and of course I would get over it and forgive ...only for him to repeat the whole thing all over again. It's hard to soar with the eagles when you're working with turkeys.
Our society is stacked with dysfunctional people and often it is through no fault of their own because they were raised in a dysfunctional family. It seems that western society has really lost touch with family values. Even the conservatives who are supposedly the gatekeepers of tradition and family have become noticeably silent and instead they are on a vendetta against liberals and socialists and other harbingers of left-wing doom.
Is it possible that Western society is disintegrating? And is soon to collapse under the weight of its own economic social moral and political bankruptcy? Are we headed into a new era where another nation or group of nations will rise up and become the global superpower? A society with their shit together — who still have strong and resilient families.

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