Our science-obsessed society loves facts and figures, statistics and graphs. The "expert" with the answers is revered because he has all the facts, just the facts. The internet has made all knowledge available to anyone at the click of a mouse. Google knows all.
Much of what we know, however, is useless.
Just to let that sit for a minute. The ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu said, "“To attain knowledge, add things everyday. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.” Now we can't prove what he says is true even with a panel of our top rocket scientists and a peer-reviewed scientific paper. Because really we are talking about "truth" and not "facts."
Truth is only real to the individual experiencing it because truth is relative, subjective and qualitative. Facts, on the other hand, are objective and quantitative. Science can measure the atomic weight of sodium but it is useless to help us know whether Jesus was right when he said we are the salt of the Earth.
Truth has the power to transform us, change our lives and make us better people. Our little blue planet has had a scientific and technological revolution which has made for enormous advances but it has also made for an excessively complex set of new problems and social dysfunctions.
The truth is we need new teachers and new leaders with a plan for social regeneration and spiritual transformation. We need a new revolution - a soul revolution that is adapted and flexible enough to fit our modern, ever-changing cities and complicated lives.
One truth that is universal is that we are a global family, an inter-connected and inter-related brotherhood and sisterhood of human beings - even biology teaches us we came from the same primordial soup. Every family needs parents and the recognition of the Father of all eternity is life-transforming and soul-enhancing not only to the individual but also to the entire global family.
It is transformed individuals who go out into all the world and help transform our planet in service to the entire family. Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All. ❤️🌎
