The Jesus Movement in the 60's was one of the most successful evangelical efforts in modern Western history. The youth in that era were already primed and ready for a value system that ran counter to the conformist American establishment. The musical freedom of that era has never been matched.
Thousands marched protesting the Vietnam War; the human rights movement launched by MLK, Huey P. Newton and Malcom X fueled a rising discontent and dissatisfaction with the status quo. Many Christians began to take a closer look at their faith and sought to re-invent the Jesus wheel and live closer to the lives of the early Christians.
Many of the Jesus people lived in communes and promoted a simple non-materialistic life. They were also highly charismatic and believed in miraculous healings. Their music influenced the Vineyard and Hillsongs movements which are still active to this day. They focused on universal love and pacifism.
The nomadic life of the original Jesus Freak - Joshua son of Joseph - impressed them deeply. Jesus' three-year traveling evangelical effort was far different from the American church culture of Sunday ritual in suits and ties. Foxes had holes and birds had nest but the Hippie Jesus had nowhere to lay his head.
The youth of our time are even more alienated and obscure. But they would whole-heartedly follow the Jesus program if it was offered to them. The emptiness of our secular culture has offered them very little and they have little interest in church or organized religion. However, they wouldn't hesitate to follow an unorganized religion of real relationship and real values. They would follow the Hippie King to the very end. Peace and Love always. ✌️❤️🌎🌺
