The meaning of the name Yeshua in Hebrew is "God saves" and Yusef means "God increases" so Yeshua ben Yusef (Joshua ben Joseph) would mean roughly "God of salvation and increase." Jesus said he came to save the world and also that he came to give us life more abundantly. He came to save us and increase us.
Jesus was equally son of Mary though. Miriam in Hebrew is even more interesting because it alternately means "bitterness" and "beloved." Yeshua ben Miriam drank the cup of bitterness when he was tortured to death by his enemies. Joshua ben Mary needs a bit of a boost in our times as women (and men) are still engaged in the long struggle for freedom and equality in a world run by an old boy's club.
The Father Nature lives within us; the divine spark, the still small voice. The Mother Nature lives outside of us; we are bathed in the spiritual placental fluid of her love in the form of the Holy Spirit. Father Nature is the primal force that plants the seed of eternity in the egg of time; what Dylan Thomas called "the force that through the green fuse drives the flower."
We slumber in the womb of time before we are re-born in the spirit in the family of God. The spirit of Gaia who presides over the Earth is the nuturing spirit that is represented to us by our own biological mothers. When our earthly fathers speak they represent the voice of the Father within us.
The ancient Eastern teachers were right when they said that all is Maya. This life is indeed an illusion, a shadow-show of saints, sinners, clowns and mystics. Everything in time is literally tempo-rary. Things look solid to us from our limited perspective but the truth is atoms are in constant motion and they are made of energy particles so matter is an illusion of time and motion.
Joshua ben Mary taught us that the material things of this life are not as important as the spiritual things of eternity. He said if we seek first the spiritual things then the material things would be taken care of for us. The truth is he came to save us from the illusion of time and reveal to us the reality of eternity, to open our blind eyes to see the Unseen Father of both time and eternity. Peace on Earth Goodwill to All.
