The generally accepted meaning of a prophet is someone who is an inspired holy man or woman who is not only a great spiritual teacher but also has the uncanny ability or special knowledge to see the future.
Many people feel there are no more modern prophets - the ancient prophets were appointed for a specific time and season and the future is locked up so there is no need for prophets or prophecies anymore.
Yet we have many wise, informed and outspoken scientists predicting environmental disaster for decades now. Others have warned of the folly of nuclear weapons and are critical of our current western democracies that are controlled by corporations and the military industrial complex.
These modern prophets like their predecessors are vilified and even imprisoned such as Julian Assange who committed the unforgivable sin of exposing the crimes of our corrupt leaders. At least he hasn’t been buried up to his armpits in excrement like his forefather Jeremiah who spoke out against the religious and political tyrants of his day.
Even Joshua ben Joseph slammed the religious elites in scathing rebuke. And he paid for it with his life. There’s always a price for dissent. The elites don’t forgive and they have little mercy for the citizens brave enough to expose them.
The reason prophets can predict the future is because they are wise enough and have enough foresight to see where things are heading. As Joshua taught, we reap what we sow. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the alarming signs of a world going sideways into totalitarianism.
300 school shootings should be an overwhelming red flag that something is very wrong - one school shooting should be enough! Sadly, a brainwashed population distracted and divided by media are comatose at the wheel. The disturbing lack of a revolution or even some resistance means the people are fucked if you’ll forgive the expression.
The elites are bringing us towards WW3 and the people are caught up in a retarded game of political ping pong, back and forth hitting the ball. And even worse, millions are cheerleaders for the slave masters and others are fully committed partners.
The good news is there is a solution though many will reject it due to its simplicity or because it doesn’t appeal to their intellectual sensibilities. Or maybe they just don’t want it - many prefer war.
The truth is we are all brothers and sisters part of a great divine family that has a compassionate and currently very concerned Father and guardian. This simple truth can save the world...guns won’t saves us, our president can’t save us even if in some magical world he wanted to save us. 💗🌎
