In political circles individuals often move around occupying different positions until they find their niche. Some become mayors or governors or secretaries. Others are city councilors or administrators. According to the Peter Principle we all rise to the level of our own incompetence, a frightening thought when we consider who our world leaders are at the moment.
Religious and spiritual people likewise always gravitate to various different roles. The apostle Paul for example was a great organizer and an excellent writer. Origen castrated himself in order to minister to women. That seems a bit extreme and painful 😣 😖 Might be a better idea to just let women minister to women.
Martin Luther King became the spokesperson and champion of human rights in the 1960’s before he was summarily executed. Many other outspoken religious people have followed the tradition of the 16 prophets in the Old Testament who all spoke out against the corrupt ruling class and hypocritical priests of their day.
Noah was possibly the first environmentalist who warned his neighbors of impending natural disaster. He was ignored just like in our own day and age when environmentalists are mostly ignored. And the flood came and washed them all away.
Other spiritual modern leaders such as the Dalai Lama assume the role of counselor. He seems to shine the most when he is asked impromptu questions.
Musicians often play the role of spiritual spokesperson. Simon and Garfunkel’s enigmatic song the Sound of Silence comes to mind:
“And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls And tenement halls" And whispered in the sounds of silence..”
All the world is indeed a stage and we are merely players. The saying in the theater is there are no bit parts — only bit players. We all have a role to play in the unfolding drama of spiritual life here on the third planet from the sun. Every act of kindness even giving a child a glass of cold water is an act of service to the creation and establishment of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of all humanity. Cheers 🍻 here’s to you brothers and sisters. 🍷
