Sigmund Freud claimed we are primarily motivated by Eros and Thanatos or more colloquially Sex and Death. Though this isn’t the time or place to dwell on his numerous theories of infantile sexual repression, it’s a good place to start a discussion on what drives us as human beings.
Christianity claims we are latently and naturally sinful and need a theological savior to keep us out of hell. Buddhism claims life is a recurring cycle of birth and death that requires enlightenment to escape the viscous cycle - your karma needs to exceed your darma.
From mankind’s primitive days as hunter/gatherer he was mostly motivated by the need to survive a hostile environment and avoid being eaten by predatory animals or killed by competing tribes. His daily life was a struggle for food and shelter.
Eventually, thousands of years later, he gave up on being a hunter/gatherer and became a herder/farmer. And thus, civilization was born. All of civilized society is an insurance policy against the hostilities of biological existence.
What I’m trying to say is that the prime motivator of human beings is security. And this need for security is unconsciously the underlying theme of everything we do, including career, family, friends and all our institutions.
Religion is no exception. Organized religion is an insurance policy against the imagined hostility of the god(s). A structured creed of belief is a security investment in eternity where as long as the right beliefs are maintained or the right rituals are performed the god(s) will be pleased and open the gates of heaven/nirvana/Valhalla.
Spiritual freedom means giving up on the structure in favor of the spirit. The spirit leads where angels fear to tread. The more timid believers lack the courage to base their religion on their own relationship with the creator. Organized religion is mostly the second-hand experience of others handed down from generation to generation.
Real religion is based on your experience with God not someone else’s. It takes courage to follow the leading of the inner spirit. Truly the kingdom of heaven is within you. 🍷🍞
