Hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again...
Our society is so very noisy. Traffic, television, radio, even the racket every day on Facebook serves as a continual White Noise in our minds and souls. Never in the history of human beings have we ever lived in such a period of endless distraction and busy-ness.
It’s like the internet needs a moment of silence every day. 😕
The Spirit of God within us is silent and still as a quiet forest pond. Like the perfect Buddha within us, contemplating nature and mankind in harmony and poise. The Psalmist said, “Be still and know that I am God.”
Turning off your mind is so very difficult sometimes. No wonder the carpenter from Nazareth spent so much time alone in nature. Did he feel lonely? I don’t know but he was always in the presence of his Father.
Lao Tzu the great Chinese philosopher said, “Silence is a source of great strength.” Many people are afraid of being alone in our society. They surround themselves with distractions, afraid of finding themselves and hearing from the still small voice.
Silence and solitude can be a fountain of life, if we drink from the source and let our souls be healed and guided from within. 🍀🌾🍷
