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The 7-Fold Path

Writer: Richard RevelstokeRichard Revelstoke

Here's one way of looking at the message of Joshua ben Joseph. He taught a 7-fold plan for living that is revealed in all of his words and deeds. Some say he WAS a sermon. His life was the message and the medium. The words on a page are the WRITTEN representation of his message but the life he lived was the LIVING revelation of his Father in heaven.

1. The way of love 2. The way of service 3. The way of personal experience 4. The way of spiritual growth 5. The way of perfection 6. The way of freedom 7. The way of the spirit

1. LOVE - Love is the natural desire combined with compassion that we have for our fellow man or woman. He taught the Law of Love: there are two rules of living for those interested in joining his family - to love God with everything we have and love our family members as we love ourselves.

2. SERVICE - Joshua taught and practiced a personal philosophy of service. He taught that the desire and act of serving others would naturally proceed from this relationship with God. By following the Law of Love we would produce fruit just like a well-watered tree produces fruit year after year.

3. EXPERIENCE - Those who begin a life of service to others, in fulfillment of the Law of Love, gain valuable personal experience, not only in the activities they undertake with their fellow God-servers but also with the Father himself. In order to fulfill our ministry to others we need to approach the Father for guidance and wise counsel.

4. SPIRITUAL GROWTH - Just as a child advances in public school, graduating from one grade to the next higher one, we also advance step by step up the spiritual ladder of eternity. All that we experience in living out the will of God in the service to others produces growth. We become a more mature, wiser person.

5. PERFECTION - The fruit of the spirit that we display to an ever-increasing degree enhances our experience with God and with our brothers and sisters. This produces growth in us slowly over time. As we grow we become more like the God we serve. Joshua taught another very simple principle:

Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.

6. FREEDOM - True spiritual freedom is found in following the Spirit of God wherever he leads you. You are free to follow any or all of the leadings of the indwelling spirit. Political freedom comes from liberalism and not from increased state control. Spiritual freedom comes from religious liberalism: the big-hearted acceptance and tolerance of others and the sincere love of our brothers and sisters.

7. SPIRIT - Joshua proclaimed a religion revealed to man through his efforts to follow the leadings of the Spirit that indwells him. He did not offer obedience to religious authority or ritual as a method of finding or following God. He said, “The Spirit is like the wind, you don’t know where it comes from or where it goes. So is every one born of the Spirit.”

~ painting "First Day in Heaven" by Kerola Safwat



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