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The Fine Art of Losing

Writer: Richard RevelstokeRichard Revelstoke

Grief is the result of a sense of loss, whether we lose a loved one or a job or a friend. Life isn't always full of winning and gaining. Every career has setbacks and every person is forced to deal with the ups and downs of life. It's just part of our normal mortal experience on planet Earth.

Even moving to another city or town can be a time of sadness and a feeling of loss. Homesickness makes many feel lonely, isolated and alone. We must move on though. Life never stays still for long.

Why so downcast O my soul? the psalmist asks. It sounds like the anonymous writer didn't really understand his grief. The deep down sense that something is missing that was formerly there can be a devastating experience. We spend much of our time in the unconscious attempt to fill up our life. Emptiness feels, well, it feels empty.

We want our cup running have positive friends and family, to have a successful, fulfilling career and material and spiritual success. Deep down everyone wants to love and be loved.

It just doesn't always work out that way. The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray as the saying goes. Much unhappiness comes from thwarted ambition and unfulfilled goals and desires that don't pan out. Not everyone is going to make it on the football team, there's only so many positions. Not everyone is going to fly to the moon.

Gratitude for what we do have instead of sorrowing over what we don't have is the way to joy. A daily diet of thankfulness is healthy and leads to contentment and love. Joshua ben Joseph once said, those who find their lives will lose it and those who lose their lives for my sake will find it. Maybe losing is better than gaining sometimes if we understand the true meaning of loss.

Peace. Have a great weekend. ❤️🙏



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