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The Great Divide

Writer: Richard RevelstokeRichard Revelstoke

Jesus would be a great disappointment to many people in our modern era because he wouldn't take sides in our political and social issues. The right would ask him to speak out against the left and vice versa. I imagine many church leaders in the West would reject him for this very reason.

The socialists would desperately want him to condemn the capitalists and the capitalists would no doubt eat their hearts out when he wouldn't slam the so-called commies.

People would ask him to take sides on abortion and pot-smoking. The LGBT movement would look for him to support their cause while the anti-gays would seek his condemnation of gays to justify their agenda.

The environmentalists would make a great point of seeking an audience with him to hear his views on the degradation of our climate and environment.

They would all walk away disappointed, still in the same boat with their respective causes; still forced to deal with the social, economic and political issues by their own freewill choices, wisdom and decisions. Parents don't always settle or fight their kids battles for them.

Joshua ben Joseph said "my kingdom is not of this world." His mission was to establish a brotherhood of believers and to plant the seeds of a worldwide family of God - not to promote or speak out against any social-political issues. He taught a spiritual way of life and it was not connected to any particular party or group.

A global family has many aunts and uncles and cousins and brothers. We don't have to all agree on everything for there to be peace and harmony. Joshua only taught us to love each other, tolerate our differences and practice peace. Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All is our banner. Wave it proudly brothers and sisters 🌞🌎🇳🇵🚩



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