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The Nation of God

Writer: Richard RevelstokeRichard Revelstoke

Joshua ben Joseph began his public ministry proclaiming, “B’malkuot Aalah aiyt lka” which is Aramaic and when translated it means:

The Nation of God is at hand.

The Nation of God is neither a social, political or economic order. It is the exclusive spiritual citizens of a nation dedicated to the will of God. This nation has no geographical borders or passports to authenticate the identity of its citizens. It is only the shared Spirit who lives in the hearts and minds of these liberated citizens that validates and testifies that these men and women are true and rightful citizens of this spiritual nation.

The Nation of God is the divine government which is founded on the sovereign power and authority of God himself who is the supreme ruler, legislator and Founding Father of all its citizens. In fact, these citizens are united by their mutual relationship to the Founding Father of the Nation. They are all brothers and sisters; children of the divine head of state who rules with perfection and governs with peace.

The Nation of God is not a physical place nor is it an intellectual theory. It is the real spiritual relationship between God and Man. Joshua ben Joseph, who is the leading citizen of this Nation, said 2000 years ago, “The Nation of God is within you.”

This simple, yet profound statement reveals that the Spirit who indwells the minds of Man is the same Spirit who dwells in Paradise, the destiny and hope of all the citizens of the Nation.

Entrance to the Nation

Entrance to the Nation of God is granted to all mortal men and women who desire fellowship with God. “The Nation of God is at hand,” said Joshua, and all many enter regardless of their sex, creed, race, ethnicity or status in the world. Anyone can enter at any time, in any place; the gates are always open to any who desire to sit at the foot of God and learn from him.

The cost of entrance to the Nation of God is faith which is a free gift from God. In his infinite wisdom and generosity, God has paid for your salvation by giving you the gift of faith. This free gift reveals the abundance of the Founding Father’s love for his children. If you believe that God is your true Father, then you may enter the Nation and fellowship with God and with the citizens who dwell within the spiritual home that exists within the dreams and hopes of every mortal man and woman.

“Seek and you shall find, ask and you will be given, knock and the door will be opened.”

A Newborn Citizen

Becoming a citizen of the Nation is a life-changing experience. A new citizen often feels like a new person and experiences an increased sense of joy and freedom. It is like being a citizen of a poor country and then being given a passport and citizenship to an amazingly wealthy country that you barely knew existed.

The inner transformation of the new citizen is real. The recognition of our status in the eternal Nation provides us with a fresh start in life and a fresh outlook.

Many newborn citizens report a zeal for life they previously lacked. A deep and enduring love and affection for all mankind takes root in the hearts of citizens which results in a natural desire to serve the other citizens of the Nation and reach out to those who know nothing of the beauty and majesty of this mighty nation.

The 3 Essentials of the Nation

The Nation of God is based on 3 essential truths that work together in harmony:

Head of State – God is the Head of State, ruler and Founding Father of the Nation of God. God maintains the right to rule over the Nation and its citizens with unchallengeable power and authority. Even so, God chooses to delegate his power and authority to any and all of his citizens without limit or discrimination based on their ability and receptivity to assume his powers and prerogatives.

Citizenship – all citizens of the Nation of God are automatically known as Sons of God and are accountable to the sovereign ruler of the Nation who is the Founding Father. The relation between the Founding Father and the child of God is transforming and enables not only the citizen but also the Nation to progress and grow.

Highest Ideal – the citizens of the Nation are united by the Highest Ideal to do the Will of God. They live by the manifesto of Joshua ben Joseph who said, “Seek first the Nation of God and its righteousness and all things will be added unto you.” God will provide everything necessary for you to fulfill his will.

The Rule of Living in the Nation of God

All the citizens of the Nation of God follow two simple, yet profoundly life-changing rules of conduct which function to invigorate and motivate the citizens in their service to each other.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. This is the first and greatest commandment. Love your fellow citizen as yourself. This is the second of the two laws.

These two laws are really one because the one leads to the other. Love of God leads to Love of our fellow citizen and Love of our fellow citizen also leads to the love of God. ❤️🙏🏻🏛

— from the Urban Joshua



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