One of the ironies unfolding in the new millennium is watching China, the most communist nation on Earth engaging in a capitalist wet dream, trading with over a hundred countries without reservation or restriction. Karl Marx is surely turning over in his grave.
Most of the endless debate and out-right war between the left and the right is really focused on how much control the state is given over the economy and how much of our taxes are pumped back into social programs. It's really impossible to have a purely free market economy without regulation and restrictions on corporations, trade and business. It's also impossible to have a totalitarian welfare state where everyone makes the same amount of money and the national resources are evenly distributed without competition and entrepreneurship.
The real war going on is being waged by entrenched political/economic elites who are making a bum rush for the goal posts of totalitarian global control. The fact that they adroitly use both the left and the right for their Machiavellian rape of whole economies and populations goes mostly unnoticed by the media-washed masses. All you have to do to control society is to control the flow and content of information in the media and in education.
A society where individuals have abandoned spirituality and religion is easy pickings for unscrupulous men who move into the power vacuum that is created when there are so few spiritually-transformed men and women active in the public arena. The most dynamic and potent force on Earth is a human being who has had his or her soul re-invented and re-juvenated by the working of the inner spirit.
The truth is that both capitalism and socialism have failed.
Neither system has given the kind of free and peaceful society that the vast majority of people in the world want. Communism gave us Stalinist Russia and Maoist China. Capitalism has birthed the abortion of monopoly capitalism that is gobbling up the world's resources at an alarming and unprecedented rate. The gap between the rich and the poor has never been wider in all of humankind's history.
Political or economic solutions will never unite the world in any real and meaningful way. Wealth and power don't liberate - they alienate and discriminate. The real wealth is found in the treasure hid in the field that when found compels the treasure-finder to sell all he has to possess it. Real power is in the spirit -- the power to conquer human failings and create a lasting social order based on our mutual brotherhood as sons and daughters of the Father in heaven.
What we need is not more capital-ism and social-ism -- what we need is more spirit-ism -- the re-unification of the divided and conquered free people of the Earth, a real and lasting united nations. Feel free to join the parade at any time 🚩🇺🇳💐✌️
