For many people, especially in the good 'ol USA, socialism is a dirty word. It even sounds lascivious to many with all those "esses" like slippery and snakes and slime. It's one of those trigger words that gets certain people's knickers in a knot.
The Western world is full of bogeymen -- pick your favorite: Islam, communism, fascism or Russia and China. Makes you wonder why the have's seems so terrified of the have nots. Maybe it's a white man's weakness to fear the "other," some racial xenophobia and cultural internalizing that makes the West want to build walls and segregate itself?
Socialism is considered by conservatives as the evil opponent to capitalism, freedom and democracy. On the other hand, capitalism is seen by the far and near left as the enemy of the people -- the wealthy elites who run the world need to be overthrown (preferably by revolution.) It's very ironic that the most capitalistic nation on Earth, the United States was born in a violent revolution influenced by the socialist French Revolution.
Third Way politics have been characterized as "Something different and distinct from liberal capitalism with its unswerving belief in the merits of the free market and democratic socialism with its demand management and obsession with the state. The Third Way is in favour of growth, entrepreneurship, enterprise and wealth creation but it is also in favour of greater social justice and it sees the state playing a major role in bringing this about."
Any attempt to reconcile the far left and the far right can result in being hated by both sides, but such is the cross the peacemakers have to bear. The term "third way" has also been used to describe the position of Joshua ben Joseph when attempting to respond to evil and injustice. There are 3 ways to deal with evil:
1. Fight evil with evil, pour gasoline on the fire 2. Do nothing and just passively accept evil hoping it will go away 3. Fight evil with good. Respond in a positive way to injustice and conquer the negative with positive.
The term "Third Way" was coined by British sociologist Anthony Giddens who used it to describe an alternative to neoliberalism and social democracy in an era of globalization. The Third Way basically attempts to reconcile the extremes of both communism and capitalism. Free enterprise is made to stay balanced in an interconnected global world where the power of the state is held in check to meet the needs of the community.
Third Way politics looks at the issues and attempts to find the best possible policy for the good of all concerned instead of pushing a platform-based agenda that almost invariably alienates half the nation.
Everything we do affects everyone around us. If economic and social policies are for the advantage of the few, then the many are forced to suffer. If our attempts in the political arena are to bring the conflicting sides together and meet at the bargaining table, we might actually accomplish something and move society forward instead of the usual mudslinging and legislated gridlock coming from both sides.
The way forward is always enhanced by reconciliation, compromise and communication. Digging trenches and staging pitched political battles doesn't accomplish much, especially not in our highly interconnected, multi-national plural world. Peace, love and understanding can be part of our political debate and discussion. ❤️🙏✌️
